I’m Johann Pönitz. I live in Berlin - Germany, where I build products people use.
One of my earliest memories as a child, where the countless hours spent trying to build the perfect house, car, fantasy creature with a huge amount of LEGO building blocks in front of me. The sun would shine trhough my window, while me and my dad would search for the next LEGO piece that would perfectly fit my LEGO project. It is the first thing I can remember, where I loved building things and saw the outcome.
The first thing I can remember to program where small shell scripts that would install linux on my computer, would change the Mac Address of Wlan Stick, that I would use to connect to my fathers Wifi and finally avoid the 30 minute Internet restriction that was hindering my computer to access the internet.
Me and my friends would do what every other kid would do, get cracked version of games and download them, play as many hours as possible before sunrise and finally somehow get through school. And after many weeks of the computer getting slower and slower. Reinstall Microsoft to get rid of all the spam software installed by those cracked games.
2018 I would have my first taste of what it is like to build a company and see how software changes everyones peoples lives. I joined a small startup called Kolibri Games and after a year I was the first DevOps working student inside the company. This was the place where I fell in love with early stage company building and building something people actually use.
Today, I’m a developer at Unbound, where we democratize access to Gaming NFTs, in the hope of allowing everyone to play games, join communities and build a better, decentralized future.